Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I know it's been a while..but I'm back..and I'll be postin' some more stuff...I came across some very old sketches from WAY back in da day that I'll post and some that I'll do a before and after..but for now here's a Cookie Monster sketch that I did for Sesame Workshop. got some more but I like this one...also, I didn't forget to finish my "jedi" pose but i will....


Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...


Nice to see a new (old) sketch from you..and lookin' forward to more!

Crushing defeat last nite, wasn't it?? ARGHHH!!! lots of problems last night, but Billy Wager....c'mon!!!!

Traschel better have it tonite!


1:36 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

I thought Gavid Wright was gonna pull an
October Gay-Rod on you guys, but thank God he got his stroke back! (Probably due to some
testicular administrations from said
Willie Wagner...He has experience in "Choking It" I'm told....Oh Yeah nice Cookie, Lou!
Welcome Back! I missed ya like an old Captain misses his cabin boy!

9:06 PM  
Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

>I thought Gavid Wright was gonna pull >an
>October Gay-Rod on you guys, but >thank God he got his stroke back!

Unfortunately in the second round, he did...

6:43 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

yeah man- i jinxed your Mets, Lou
sorry bro....
maybe you can post a drawing of
David Wright bending Gay-Rod
over while Cory Lidle flies a plane up his ass.

6:50 PM  
Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

Aww, man, now making insulting comics about dead Yankees...

Hey, Lou, sorry to see you go, but looks like you got out in time..it's gotten even crazier back there lately, I think...best of luck to you in your next endeavors!

7:21 PM  
Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

that was supposed to read 'insulting comments', not 'comics'...I got dem funny books on the mind, I guess..

7:22 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

that Cory Lidle comment was so wrong on
every level I can't believe I wrote it.
I shouldn't sully up your fine blog
with my shanty Irish gutter mouth, Lou-
I apologize.
I heard you left the fold and want to wish
you the best of luck!

7:30 PM  
Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...


This message is from Nicole...she's trying to get in touch with you, but doesn't know how! And she doesn't have a Google account, so I'm writing on her behalf. Write her back!! Or she might do something crazy!!!

11:51 AM  
Blogger The Keeper's Notes said...

Last I heard Nicole was dangling off the side of 1372 Broadway, hanging on by some lace panties, naked, with just one sock on (not on her foot)...you see what you've done, Louitto???

1:50 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

happy thanksgiving to you and your family big papi!

7:36 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

where you at Womble?
no post till X-mas?
(shit! no posts since the playoffs!)
if the Mets get Zito- will you draw
his characature? I heard his curveballl
drops like Haley Joel Osmont's nutsack...
miss ya dawg!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

C'mon, let's get a post here before the new year, huh? You can doooooooo it!!!!!

2:28 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

"C is for Cookie
thas good enuff for me....
But Lou stop his postin'
He actin' like Jesse.
D is for Drawing Table
Thas where he ought to be,
Louie- Louie -Louie
more muppets please."

7:37 PM  
Blogger Lou said...

LOL! funny stuff guys..I'll put some stuff up real soon. have a merry xmas and happy new year bitches!...

7:02 PM  
Blogger Charles said...

i wanna see the finished Jedi for the new year!!! C'mon, let's do this!!!!

9:51 AM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

Yeah Mace Womble in the place!
"Do It. Do It."
Happy New Year Louito!
Throw somethin up soon!

8:00 PM  
Blogger Glenn Byrne said...

Louie Womble-
You're the one (Ribbit! Ribbit!)
You're blog makes surfing so much fun (Ribbit! Ribbit!)
Louie Womble
I'm so awfully fond of you...Doe-Doe-Dodieeo-
Every Day-
when I Make my way to the computer...
I look if Lou has posted
some muppets or boast something newer!
(Check out Miss Piggy's Hooters!)
Louie Womble
You're so fine (Ribbit! Ribbit!)
but I'd wish you find the time- (Ribbit! Ribbit!)
Louie Womble
I'm so awfully fond of-
Louie Womble
even made up this song for-
Louie Womble please
Update 2 tears in a bucket soooooooon!!!!!

8:31 PM  

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